Denis Martindale Poems

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Third Day Warning!

A thousand years, dear saints on Earth,
To God, compose one year,
Another dawn is granted birth
And this, God's angels cheer...

Believe In Better!

Believe in better, if you can! Hold on to what proves good!
Be there to help your fellow man, in your own neighbourhood...
If bad times come, do more than pray beyond life's learning curve,
Towards a truly better day, God guiding you to serve...

Ireland 4 Jesus!

When prayers are laid before God's Throne,
The Holy Spirit knows,
For in our prayers we're not alone,
Where prayers go, there He goes!

Just One Day To Write A Poem!

Within the dream I dreamt last night, the Lord declared to me,
My final day of blessed insight for prose and prophecy…
Such that I knew a final time, a time of utmost grace,
To write a poem so sublime, God's smile shone on His face…

When Writing A Poem...

Let lightning strike outside my home, let lions roam the land,
I'll stay here busy with my poem, to see what God has planned…
For when God calls me to one side, with new thoughts in my mind,
My willing heart stays open wide, for treasures meant to find…

Something Is Better Than Nothing!

The Christian Spirit cannot be destroyed,
at its height it is resplendent,
resilient, steadfast to the end,
boldly opposing injustice,

From Loneliness To Love...

Life in itself proves not enough,
The lonely heart still pines for love
And till that day or night appears,
Find beauty in the passing years,

Respecting God's Revelation!

Let's reach out to every nation... for that's our destiny
And let's preach God's revelation of Christ and Calvary...
Respecting courage borne of love, determined to life's end,
For only Jesus proved enough... to be the Sinner's Friend...

Revelation Brings Revival!

Eternal life has just begun... God's miracles convince!
Forgiveness cleanses through God's Son! Christ takes away our sins.

Yet in life we suffer sorrows, like Job, who lost so much,

The C.O.F.F.E.E. Poem!


It was through Jesus and His death, forgiveness came to Man,

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