Denis Martindale Poems

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Let's Make The Choice To Hear God's Voice!

Life's full of chaos, mid the noise, yet God still speaks to you.
So make the choice to hear God's voice with Scriptures old and new.
Though saints may walk the wilderness, like Jesus on His own,
We're not alone since God can bless each saint from Heaven's Throne!

The Day The Devil Had Enough!

Oh, no, he's sitting down again, with pen and paper, too.
He likes to do that now and then… It's ALL he wants to do!
Oh, no, a title's come to mind! He's started straight away…
He's even got it underlined! Oi vey, oi vey, oi vey!

Energy Conservation!

The central heating's never on! I wear my anorak!
The first day that September's gone, till I learn June's come back!
I catch the bus, as I've no car… They cost the Earth today!
And anyway, I don't go far, at home, I'd rather stay…

Marilyn: Beautiful, Just Beautiful!

Beyond the realm of beauty seen,
When she came, she lit up the screen,
Her hair aglow, red lips pristine,
Outshining every beauty queen...

Let Revelation Renew Your Faith!

While peace abides within your heart,
With sorrows far away,
Don't waste the gifts God may impart
That come afresh each day,

I Haven't An Ocean!

Of all descriptions ever penned
The ocean stays the same,
With depths Man cannot comprehend,
Except to map and name…

Do Something Special!

When God prompts us to share a gift, it's good to serve the Lord,
It's good and gives our hearts a lift if faith leaves us assured...

If not, then doubt stands in the way, our hearts gets harder still,

A Narrow Hit-And-Miss Scenario!

An archer has to get things right,
Beyond the fumbles and the fright…
Take heart of all that you can be…
Then you'll be perfect… just like ME!

Try Poetry God's Way!

I wake up from the dreams that daze, alert to God again,
Receiving wisdom from a phrase that He shares now and then.
With revelation here inside, what insights must be born?
What secrets that I must confide to comfort those forlorn?

The Day I Got A Computer!

The day I got a computer, I opened wordpad fast,
With fonts that looked much cuter than once seen in the past
And, all at once, a poem came and off I typed again,
I even had a title name, yet didn't need a pen…

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