Denis Martindale Poems

Hit Title Date Added
What On Earth Is God Doing?

What on Earth is God doing, friends? More than you've realised!
From now on till this new day ends... all in the Name of Christ!

The Holy Spirit spreading love... where there was none before...


Take care, Enchantress, with my heart… because it beats for you!
In all love's duties, to take part, before life bids, Adieu…
And willingly, I cherish all… your features and your frame…
Because life's sweetest miracle… was when I knew your name….

Always And Forever!

This world could be left in tatters...
This world could be left in pieces...
Yet for Christians, faith still matters...
Praise God, we'll still have Jesus!

Many, Many Miracles!

There's nothing quite like being blessed... with blessings just like Paul's,
He had more gifts than all the rest... and many miracles!
No wonder that he wrote so well... with such wise words to share...
To write of Heaven and of Hell... with wisdom borne of prayer...

It's True, We're Halfway Through The Week!

When Thursday morning's at an end... the afternoon takes hold...
And yet, what have you done, my friend? How did this week unfold?
Did things go well? Was life worthwhile? Or did life get you down?
I wonder... did you sigh or smile? Did someone make you frown?

Awakening Thanks To Revelation!

It's thanks to revelation, friends... that transformation grows...
It's like the sunshine that God sends... the bud becomes the rose...
And fragrance glides across the air... to welcome one and all...
Because it's meant for everywhere... a God-blessed miracle...

Confidence In God!

By faith, by faith, by faith, by faith! That's how believers grow!
Be brave, be brave, be brave, be brave! That's how God's blessings flow...
Like Solomon and David, too... like Stephen, known by Saul...
Each saint must see God's point of view... just like it guided Paul...

Patience, Pilgrim... Patience!

It's easy when God answers fast... upon that very day...
Instead of waiting and it's past... because of some delay...
Yet prophets, too, were made to wait... you're not alone, my friend...
Stay patient... and don't hesitate... things work out in the end...

Look At Me, Writing On The Spot!

Golly gosh! I'm writing again... as if by muse I'm stirred...
Golly gosh! No need for a pen... I'm typing every word!
Without a single thought in mind! The ideas come and go...
I'll share them all to bless Mankind... What's next? I just don't know!

God Bless Time For Revelation!

God bless time for revelation! God bless it from the start!
God can use it for each nation... God knows each Christian's heart...
And so it comes as no surprise... that God is in all things...
To meet the needs for our supplies... to serve the King of Kings...

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