Desiree Whitamore Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Always Four (Not Sure About The Last Line)

why do people insist we're special
no one is different in this place
how can they say we'll get out
when the red lights never change

Its Infuriating (Thanks C)

time isn't on our side
life is just another fight
that we won't win
people will always be the same

Just Because You'Re Not Here.

what if you push me down
will i stand up?
what if i can be,
anything that i can dream of.

All That Is Lost

i'm out of their world
my feelings are not taken to heart by them
i'm confused
speaking a language i do not speak

Where The Cold Road Goes

the idea that i'm hurting you
the idea that you need me to
it makes me sick
the thought of looking back

Gone All Along

The ground seems to shiver as the leaf falls from the tree
the last nail in the coffin of what was meant to be
the tear seems to melt anything in it's way
the hope thats left, hope for a brighter day

'But Hidden In The Past Of Yesterday'

the rain is pouring
the sun is shining
the earth seems to shake.
my voice is little, and yours is bigger

Breaks My Heart To Comfort My Crying

he laughs as i tell him what went wrong
I choke on his laughter, when he realizes he's been gone
how do i tell him what i feel?
about all those things inside?

An Ending That Has Yet To Come Or Change

for that time, for that moment
i forgot the pain with in
my mind shut off completely
there were goose bumps on my skin.

A Crossroads Of Tearing Apart

Can I tell you whats been going on with me?
you have to promise me something though
If i tell you about all my misery
you have to let me go

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