RoseAnn V. Shawiak Destiny Poems

Riding Towards Destiny

Sounds of an Indian drummer taking me away on a galloping
horse into tomorrow's sunset, filling my mind with wonder-
ful pictures of light and joy.

Being Pushed Towards Destiny In India

Getting in touch with inner feelings, finding an energy
that's growing exponentially with every mile traveled,
exciting and tantalizing an inner spirit.

Map Of Destiny's Pages

Life is filled with wonder and awe, giving us a map
to follow through destiny's pages.

Moving forward, taking steps into the future, heart

Across Deserts Of Destiny

Light, airy, vibrant and enticing, winds of fate blowing across
deserts of destiny in the ebony darkness of this life, exercise-
ing freedom through writing.

Future Of A Poet's Destiny

Music cantering down avenues of daring and exciting consequences that bring feelings of achievement and accomplishment.

Teaching through an innate talent that's never-ending, unfolding all details and aspects that are being brought to the foreground right this moment.

Destiny's Forces

Forces of destiny play their parts in our minds
and hearts, taking us by the hand to unknown
parts of our world, physically and emotionally.
Curbing our desires, our innate spirits take

Sorrow's Destiny

Destiny's Pathway

Nature filling with inspiration, lifting spirits,
soaring into heavens of divine contemplation.

Signals of seasons opening up to an interior environ-

Latent Destiny

2: 14 p.m.
Living in and through each poem and book that has been
written, enjoying the environment that has been created
with an innate talent.

Our Destiny

Life does not come full circle, at times it is rectangular or square with no logic or sense to rhythms of life.
We fall between corners, are bewildered and lose our way.
Searching, finding our way interiorly, will set us straight in our circular circumference again.
Living as best we can without losing our ways completely.

Destiny's Riches

Entering a zone, filled with loud rocking music,
sating my soul, easing my mind as our future steps
onto the next shore of life.

Destiny's Touch

Saturated in times of life with
aesthetic woes, attempting to
conquer them with an imaginational
depth from inner realms and destiny's

Unalterable Destiny

Stretching upwards, touching feelings sitting alone, awaiting recognition from within.
Caressing a solo journey made through subconscious byways along life's unalterable destiny.
Finishing petals of grace, aligning themselves with a soulful beauty stemming from God's great mercy towards us, everlastingly.

Aging Destiny

Sublime Destiny

Movement turning and stirring my mind in a kettle of magic,
vaporizing into the atmosphere and falling by droplets into
thoughts of sublime destiny.

Fulfilling Destiny

Enjoying the stillness of this morning, walking around
it's circumference, looking quietly at all that is
encircled within.

Prayerful Destiny

Scooting around edges of destiny, finding things we
haven't gotten around to doing or finishing.
Yet, we become satisfied with who we are as human
beings and curiously continue asking questions of

Eternal Destiny

Always touching feelings held deeply within,
placating mindful ways of peaceful surroundings.

Musical Destiny

Play the piano inside your mind, touch the chords that'll make you
feel fine.
Dance upon the ivory with your bare feet and let concertos flow
through your body.

Edges Of Destiny

Standing at edges of destiny, waiting for fulfillment to come into
Realistically knowing it cannot be in our life time.
Having perfect silence, causing deafness to walk before me, stepping

Lost Destiny

Life has changed so drastically, it holds no promises,
gives no hope.

Emptiness surrounds the atmosphere, filling sight with

Short Order Destiny

Singly rowing towards asinine problems, hoping to derail them off crash courses and into cisterns of unbelievable categories.
Testing and rehearsing many times throughout life, sharing equanimity
with selfish thoughts and finally cleaning everything with solutions everyone can live with in life's short order books of destiny.

Destiny's Messages

Destiny fulfills experience without frills or expectations, acknowledging an innate talent in life's hidden corners.
Finding treasures in silent caches of imagination, reserved for poetical decisions in labyrinths of a fundamental world.
Sending messages through a mind of vision and imagery.

Innate Destiny

Listening for fortuitous melodies of life,
enhanced by natural delight on misty swollen days.
Breathing in an atmosphere of nature, lungs filling
with precious fresh air, enabling life to endure

Underwriting Destiny

Incomprehensible recognition of aesthetic patterns
looming in the distance, transporting it to nether
worlds bereft of description.
Latently posturing through beautiful scenery,

A Part Of Destiny

Timeless ages awaken inside thoughts, placing them
on display for eyes to contemplate.
Jostling images, distorting them into meaningful
stances as joy fills the heart of my mind with

Walkways Of Future Destiny

Whistling down walkways of future destiny, happily
jaunting to rhythms of interior laughter.

Smiling inwardly, cantering to a joy instilled

Imprints Of Destiny

Stretching and amplifying thunderous sounds of music
as it fills atmosphere's of joyous serenity on earth's
shorelines, advertising minuets of explicit wonder and

Chance Walk With Destiny

Accordion-like thoughts are squeezed in perfect rhythms,
following tones around the circles of life's entire

Destiny's Clouds

Colors running through the clouds of destiny,
looking for their beginnings, set in precious
Reflecting mirror-like illusions of indefinite

Images Collecting Destiny

Silently sounding trumpets, leading parades through
mind tunnels, crawling along avenues of all my

Filling Destiny

Filling every day with tempos running faster,
brightening our days with it's thundering

Destiny's Future

Standing still, watching rhythm beat
it's life in tune with future diameters.

Moments Of Bereaved Destiny

Timing precisely with innuendoes of rhythm,
inventing creatively without thought.

Just putting abstracts together and making

Destiny's Escape

Crossing over borders and horizons of yesterday,
traveling forward also, into desert mountains of
the future.

Catacombs Of Destiny

Stringently holding onto something that will not
let me go away, go on alone, a solo journey of one,
needed to find out how to get out of myself.

New Destiny

Reaching beyond what we have seen before,
now living constantly in His presence and
touching other's lives that we know nothing

Coinciding Destiny

Watching eternally, waters of life,
washing upon shores of sand.
Cleansing with pebbles rolling over
and over, arranging every particle

Coastlines Of Destiny

Blue eyes wait for lights of love
to shine upon their heart.
Standing on sidelines of life,
looking forward, anticipating

Destiny's Plate

Natural beauty ascending visions of patchwork quilts, gleaming in auras of pyschic predictions.
Relating events from miles away with mere thoughts - a knowing within - of future events about to happen.
Carefully considering all aspects of time and place, wondering at times why this gift has been placed on my plate of destiny.

Destiny Written With A Pen

Longing for a piece of mind to sooth my soul forever.
Watching for signs of life to appear in poetry.
Waiting for it to take me into the heavens, soaring
to my destiny, being written with a pen.

Way To Destiny

Flashing lights beckoning me,
Showing the way to destiny.
Allowing the beauty to shower me
With blessings from friends.

Puzzles Of Destiny

Faltering On Stairs Of Destiny

Lasting chances are held underground where no one can reach them.
Here above, we are doomed to failure because we cannot communicate
with one another.
Life counts itself backwards and never takes steps to trace the

Immense Destiny

Reposingly responding to an inner atmosphere filled with the joy
of interior living.

Destiny's Diary

Darkened skies fill my eyes with an impending doom set forth in destiny's diary.
Allowing no room for error as I follow my heart down many lonely paths of insistent whisperings, telling me to set out alone to wander the deserts of earth's imagination.
Becoming the voice that others hear throughout their lives in dreams of tomorrow.

Beyond Earthly Destiny

Closely resembling enlightenment, my mind sparkles with wisdom's bright knowledge unfolding itself within my subconsciousness and delving into imagination's depths, securing my place in history with poetical stature on back porches of literature.
Overly sensing a deepness within, knowing it is developing and enveloping me fully in it's heavenly grasp as I let go and soar beyond my earthly destiny.

Destiny's Dreams

Building destinies for the future, feeling forever young in the
joy of life's treasures.
Keeping lasting memories in young hearts and minds, sharing them
through the years with those you love.

Charting Destiny

Charting programs of destiny in books of fate,
aligning them with articulate moments of speculation.
Charging them with ions of proclivity towards endings
in praise of God.

Distinct Destiny

Rustling messages from outskirts of memorable times,
spent once in yesterday's misspent youth.

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