When you are not with me
When you are away
The moon hides behind the clouds, moonlight goes to sleep
Without any companion
I stop somewhere
Thought, you too with me
Lost (Mita bhash)
Suddenly I have lost...searching whole day.... Couldn't find... Thought, I will never get
Can't Imazina, where it lost...
A musket
What is this musket?
It is a Putana musket
Grief - stricken
Tear knows too that
I have no regret
You were not there to share
my moment of grief
Sometimes I (Mita-Bhash -Short Expressions)
Sometimes I cann't able anything...
And sometimes unable to bear.....
(Mita-Bhash, short expressions)
A garland
* *******
I talk with wind
A poem
In my eyes
Sometimes loneliness measures
আন্ধাৰ মানুহবোৰ
দীপ্তি দেউৰী বৰা
গলিয়ে গলিয়ে গলি আছে
God asked
God asked - Love him
Don'twake me(Mita-bhash, short expression)
Don't wake me
A day of Love
Be my paramour
Be that chirruping chore
Don't ever frighten me in the name of God
I know God is the greatest weakness for people
Like people are so worried about one providence
Some people wish to build a bridge in the name of God
Had a lots of talk with you today
Mistakenly only once tell me that you love me
If you would stay with me tonight
When You Are Not With Me, Origin By Dipti Deori Borah, Translated By Bimal Phukan
When you are not with me
When you are away
The moon hides behind the clouds, moonlight goes to sleep
The sky is indifferent
The fogs turns in to drops of tear.
My ear-rings drop loose when you are not with me
Moonlight sheds tears on jonbiris
Gamkharu does not dazzle
Stars that were green become a meteor
Night is a dark, big forest.
Without you by my side words are lonely
Trees shed their dry leaves
Into the courtyard of my heart
Sewalis disappear aboard the boat of the moon.
Ejars are sad, Sonarus do not laugh
When you are not with me
Kharikajais are broken-hearted
Love does not blossom any more
Life goes to sleep in the dust of the road.
I do not know if you know..
My poems too leave with you
When you go away
Nights in Karpungpuli are filled with sadness
Moonlight as sweet as apong lies barren
Along with my poems that have lost their rhythm.
When you are not with me.