Dollie Radford

Dollie Radford Poems

SHE comes through the meadow yonder,
Her face is turned to the west,
And I divine how her clear eyes shine
With the light of a lasting rest;

The Snow Queen passed our way last night,
Between the darkness and the light,
And flowers from an enchanted star,

IN the distant woods are blowing
Tender buds and blossoms sweet,
Fragrant leaves and grasses glowing
From the touch of fairy feet.

SLEEP, my little dearest one,
I will guard thy sleep,
Safely little nearest one,
I will hold thee deep,

The ladies bow, and partners set,
And turn around and pirouette
And trip the Lancers.

WHEN you are lonely, full of care,
Or sad with some new sorrow,
And when your tired fancy hides
The brightness of the morrow,

I CAME to lay my sorrow in the wood,
It had so heavy grown,
And on my way the little speedwells stood,
And claimed it as their own.

AH love, the sweet spring blossoms cling
To many a broken wind-tossed bough,
And young birds among branches sing
That mutely hung till now.

THE little songs that come and go,
In tender measures, to and fro,
Whene'er the day brings you to me,
Keep my heart full of melody.

MY little dear, so fast asleep,
Whose arms about me cling,
What kisses shall she have to keep,
While she is slumbering?

BELOW the rocks where the samphire blows,
The pebbled beach in an inlet shows
A quiet cave, where a green fern grows
By the summer sea.

Love my heart is aching, aching,
While the soft sea-wind is making
Music in the aspens, breaking
Silence in my soul.

When first I saw your face, love,
I knew my search was done,
You passed my lonely place, love,
The light I sought was won,

No gardener need go far to find
The Christmas rose,
The fairest of the flowers that mark
The sweet Year’s close:

Shall I make a song for you,
Children dear,
Not too hard or long for you,
Just as clear


Through the meadow April comes,
Leaving, as he passes,
Companies of daffodils

THE clouds have gathered soon to-night,
They hang above the quiet sea,
And through the air a muffled sound
Is borne to me

THE clouds have gathered soon to-night,
They hang above the quiet sea,
And through the air a muffled sound
Is borne to me

HERE Autumn, like a flying bird
That through the quivering foliage trills,
Comes swiftly in the night, and stays

WHEN summer sweetness fills the land,
And summer sunlight floods the sea,
When ships sail by on either hand,
A richly laden argosy;

Dollie Radford Biography

Caroline Maitland (1858 – 1920) was an English poet and writer. She married in 1883 Ernest Radford, and wrote as Dollie Radford. They had three children, one being Maitland Radford. Her friends included Eleanor Marx, whom she knew through a Shakespeare reading group attended by Karl Marx, and Amy Levy. Her papers are housed at the William Andrews Clark Memorial Library at UCLA.)

The Best Poem Of Dollie Radford

She Comes Through The Meadow Yonder

SHE comes through the meadow yonder,
Her face is turned to the west,
And I divine how her clear eyes shine
With the light of a lasting rest;
And the rays of the sun-set wander
To bless her, and she is blest--
By touch of their golden splendour,
By beauty of earth and sky,
Her spirit waits at the western gates,
No music can pass her by
That Heaven or Earth may send her,
I watch where I stand, and sigh.

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