Dorian Petersen Potter Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Changes (The Tree)

Just change
Good or bad
Can't control all

Just Venting Some (Rhyming Couplets)

You just stared the other day at me
And you just forced me to look back at you and see

That this seems to be a game that you love repeating

A Chocolate Nut (Free Style)

I am a chocolate nut
I like them all and so what?
I eat them in a rut
And I enjoy them in a hut!

Thanksgiving Day (Free Verse)

I really love Thanksgiving Day
It's my favorite time of the year
I don't care if I gain fifty more pounds
Because to gobble on turkey is all I care

Food (Eight By Four)

Food is so good
just delicious!
and you need to
eat healthy food

My Sweet Angel

My sweet angel had softly spoken,
Words of comfort in my soul
And in my ear He whispers 'Child, don't be afraid, '
I'll protect you all the way...

With A Heartfull Of Hope

I stopped feeling
I don't know why.
Signs aren't clear
But heart can't lie

Testing Times (Cross Of Salvation)

Testing time hard
It hurts my heart
I come to you
Can't stand this pain

Sonnet: The Realities Of Life (1)

The realities of life are so bleak
Sometimes, as sun goes up till goes down!
And you do your best as you hear its clock
Even when life's pages make us look all like clown!

Spring Versus Summer

Spring is slowly leaving
And summer is swiftly arriving
And for me that really matter
Because the days are getting hotter

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