Dr John Celes Poems

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Bible In Poetry: 1 John 2

I write to you my dear children,
So that you must not commit sin;
And if someone does commit it,
Our defense is Lord Jesus Christ,

Bible In Poetry: Galatians 4

As long as heir is just a child,
He is not diff’rent from a slave,
Although he owns the whole estate,
Until time set by his father,

Bible In Poetry: Gospel Of St. Matthew (Chapter 21)

At Bethphage on Mount of Olives,
Then, Jesus sent two disciples,
Into the village opposite,
To find a tethered ass and colt,

60th Independence Day Of India (An Acrostic)

I Love My Motherland India Because:

Integrity of the nation is paramount
No one is above the laws of the land

Bible In Poetry: Gospel Of St. John (Chapter 12)

Six days before the Passover,
Jesus had come to Bethany;
With Lazarus raised from the dead,
They had a dinner over there.

Bible In Poetry: Gospel Of St. John (Chapter 20)

It was the day one of the week;
When dawn broke, Mary Magdalene
Came early to the tomb, though dark
And saw the stone large, set aside!

Bible In Poetry: Gospel Of St. John (Chapter 7)

So, Jesus moved to Galilee;
He did not go to Judea,
As Jews had planned to kill Him fast.
With feast of Tabernacles near,

Bible In Poetry: Gospel Of St. Mark (Chapter 14)

With Feast of the Unleavened Bread,
(Passover) to take place in two days’ time,
The scribes and chief priests planned to arrest Him
By treachery and send Him to the cross;

Bible Stories: Job (Chapter Xxxx)

The Lord then said to Job:
Can critics argue with the Lord?
Who corrects, lets him reply God.

Bible In Poetry: Gospel Of St. Mark (Chapter 3)

Jesus entered the synagogue;
There stood a man with withered hand;
They waited to see if He cures
On Sabbath, so they could accuse.

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