Dr John Celes Poems

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Kyrielle Sonnet: From Winter To Spring

Alas! When winter left the world so bare,
with trees and plants denied of their welfare,
the birds begged God to change the sordid scene:
Spring sprung a surprise making landscape green!

Sonnet: Life’s Ambitions

If Life's a ship at sea with rafts and sail;
Our ambitions, the crew who steer it through;
And chance comes as a Wind or mighty gale,
That gives us success or our waterloo.

To Mother, Sweet Mother (On Mother's Day,2012)

Sweet mother,
We remember
Our stay together,
With dear father!

Easter- Christ Has Risen

The tomb is empty
The stone’s rolled aside
His clothes are one side
Christ’s body isn’t inside

Sonnet: A Mother’s Role Could Be The Best!

A baby girl grown up has many roles;
The mother’s part she does, becomes her best;
Nevertheless, she passes in this test;
And leaves the world with many happy souls!

‘to The Slaughter-House’- A Cattle-Song!

To the slaughter-house! To the slaughter-house!
Here we cows all go;
We gave men milk and butter, ghee;
They want our beef now;

Sonnet-My Food-Allergy

And now and then, I taste the foods I shouldn't;
So stupidly in utter disregard;
The things I loved to eat, some now I couldn't;
My allergy too has made me a Bard.

Sonnet (Iambic Tetrameter) : How To Go To Heaven

The soul we bring when we are born,
Given by God to every man,
Is full of grace and not sin-torn,
And must be so, for one’s life-span!

Sonnet: On Destiny

No man need fear his Destiny's bad course,
When challenges, he meets resolutely;
Defying it and hitting hard with force;
with prudent action, that is done timely.

‘happy Birthday’, Mother Mary!

8th September – your birthday,
O Queen of heaven, all say;
The grace that filled your heart, aye,
Gave us and world, a mighty day.

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