Dr John Celes Poems

Hit Title Date Added

A baby boy was born
to Catholic parents both –
Father, Grazio and mother, Maria,
On May25,1887,

Happy Doctors’ Day, 2011

‘Wish you a Happy Doctors Day! ’
The world of people from hearts say;
‘Your life to save lives’, you gave today;
May you on earth happily stay!

Sonnet: Stars

God stationed countless stars in sky so high
That seem to flash messages, man can’t read,
You can’t tell which is far from one near-by;
Their luminescence captivates indeed!

Happy Wedding Anniversary, My Dearest Brother

May love of God that joined you together
In Holy Matrimony keep
You healthy, wealthy, pious and wise!

Sonnet: Lord Jesus Christ - The Good Shepherd

Christ Jesus Lord is Good Shepherd - the one,
Who is ready to sacrifice His life,
For sake of sheep He leads, and He is Son
Of God, Redeemer and saves all from strife!

Good Things And Evil Coexist!

However high skyscrapers rise,
Whatever be the hues of lights,
However well new bridges look,
All things must someday go!

Parable Of The Sower And The Seed (Matthew 13: 1-23)

The Kingdom of Heaven's like:

Man's soul's like field of soil;
The Word of God's, good seed;

Sonnet (Iambic Tetrameter) : God’s Wisdom Is Unfathomable!

God gives the sun and rain for all;
Most criminals are spared the rod;
God raises men up when they fall;
At times, God’s logic seems quite odd!

In Praise Of Someone

A perfect person, rarely seen;
A teacher always kind, she’s been;
A face of calmness, rare to see;
Soft-spoken soul (you name someone) !

All Souls Day: The Faithful Departed

</>Today, we think of all souls dead, some dear;
Some were so near, now gone afar, we fear;
Some were our friends, both good and bad, we knew;
But they all vanished like the morning dew!

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