Dr John Celes Poems

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The Holy Rosary (Roses To Mother Mary)

Roses that can never fade;
Roses white and red in shade;
Roses that are heaven-made;
Roses in Mary’s crown laid!

Dr Kalaignar M. Karunanidhi (An Acrostic)

Lovingly dedicated to our beloved Chief Minister of Tamilnadu,
On his birthday,03-06-2010

Dravidian Movement leader of great repute

Keep The Ten Commandments Of God

Commands of God are ten only,
God gave Moses on Sinai mount;
God bids each person to obey,
And get the love of God and Christ.

Who Must Take Care Of Old-Aged Parents?

Which child will care for parents when old-aged?
Which child will show compassion and respect?
Which child will find the time to talk kind words?
Which child reciprocates their affection?

Thanksgiving On My Birthday

O thank you mum, for giving birth to me,
Unlike the mothers who abort their babes;
The love and care you showed for me was fine;
You toiled so much to make the man, I am!

A Triple Emotional Poem

Most think that matrimony brings
With it a lot of happiness,
Be it for rich or poor, queens or kings,
Until it turns a mighty mess!

Honouring Our Freedom-Fighters...

To give your life for nation's sake
Is patriotism par excellence;
To love your Motherland is prime
-A duty of each citizen;

Assumption Of The Blessed Mary, Ever Virgin (In Acrostic)

Assumed into heaven with angel choirs accompanying the admirable
Star of the sea, Singular, Spiritual vessel,
Saint above all saints and Seat of Wisdom,
Undefiled, inviolate body and soul under the vision of Christ as His beloved

Sonnet- Jesus, The Son Of God

One Word of Thine can heal my wounded heart;
One look divine can work wonders from start;
One Word of Thine can change water to wine;
One touch of Thine can make a Leper fine.

Sonnet: The Summer Rain Will Come Again

The scorching summer sun is at its peak;
The fields are parched and wear just drought-hit looks;
With water-table down, most lips are dry;
The birds have gone away to water seek;

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