Dr John Celes Poems

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Happy Friendship Day!

A friend is a person
You bump into one day,
In a strange way
Like a Fay!

A Friend In Jesus

I have a friend in Jesus,
On whom I can depend;
He is my Lord and savior,
Who suffered for my sake.

Deo Gratias- A Song To God On High!

Deo gratias,
For things that God has done;
Deo gratias,
For earth, sky, rain and sun;

Sonnet: My World Today

The world I live in is not good at all;
I rarely find a human being good;
There isn’t a righteous one whom I can call;
The majority lives in evil-hood.

Sonnet: State Elections In Tamil Nadu,2006

Some leaders think they’re made by own effort;
Some try predicting election results;
Wealth ill-gotten, some think voters are dirt;
New leaders, God uniquely catapults!

The Elderly These Days!

The younger birds have flown off far away!
Their parents aged are left alone today;
The nest looks empty, silent, everyday;
O Lord, show us your way- they pray!

Sonnet: Contentment Is The Core To Happiness

Buying a car today would be so nice!
Having a car thats old is quite alright;
Getting a car tomorrow would be wise!
Changing a car each day would not be right.

Sonnet: My Mother Dear

You could not give me land or gold or wealth,
But helped me get precious education;
You could not give me luxuries but health,
But showed labor mixed with dedication.

Sonnet: Nature Is More Powerful

Who can prevent the clouds from sailing past,
Across the Moon’s most splendid, golden face?
Who can prevent the wind from blowing fast,
Across the treeless, sandy desert’s place?

Sonnet: Poetic Prudence

A fixed meter, fixed rhyme sequence
Are important in Sonnet writing- Yes;
Thus, structured poetry is rigid- hence,
How far the thoughts get penned down is a guess!

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