Dr John Celes Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Hope Is Lost, Day By Day

Confused all night and day, I stay;
Scant hope is lost even at play;
With work undone, anguish prevails;
And thinking hard’s of no avail.

Sonnet: The World Has Aplenty

The earth has place for more people to live;
Its trees have wood for more houses to build;
Its soil can generate more food and give;
There isn’t a dearth of good souls for a guild.

Sonnet- The Condom

Thanks to the latex-sheath that man has made!
His sex remains safer, quite natural;
But human STD’s can never fade;
Condoms are messy, costly and mural.

Sonnet: State Elections In Tamil Nadu,2006

Some leaders think they’re made by own effort;
Some try predicting election results;
Wealth ill-gotten, some think voters are dirt;
New leaders, God uniquely catapults!

Rain (Ii)

It thundered as if it would rain;
Appeared sultry as if to feign;
The Sky was clear but blue-black now;
It looked as if the Rain would come!

Sonnet: God Protects His Good People

Though scourged be Righteous men all life on earth,
By evil minds and devils in sequence,
Good Samaritans, Angels too have birth,
To save the Upright from chains of non-sense.

Whither Civilisation Today?

A pick-pocket gets stripp'd, beaten by mob;
A child-lifter is lynch'd in broad-daylight;
When man's alone, people are keen to rob;
For anything, everything, people fight.

Sonnet: An Invocation To God

God, free the bird that’s caught within brambles,
And save the lamb from wolf dressed in sheep-skin;
Rescue the man who takes drugs, kills, gambles;
Set free the souls that live in mortal sin.

Sonnet: Functions Of Poetry

In Poetry, the Bard's inpired heart,
Reveals its feelings in a wordy way;
Adhering to the basic rules of art,
And making life delightful everyday.

Happy Friendship Day!

A friend is a person
You bump into one day,
In a strange way
Like a Fay!

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