Dr John Celes Poems

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The World Gets A New Pope! - (A Prose Poem)

Death spares no one!
Death spares no earthling!
Death spares no human being!
Death cuts the thread of life certainly;

Sonnet- Evils Of Alcoho1

The glass of spirit that you hold aloft,
Could ruin lives of own and loved ones all;
And making it a habit to drink oft,
Can cause the inebriated ones’ fall.

Sonnet: Grow Trees

The branches cut the wind fierce to a breeze;
The leaves break sunlight into chequered beams;
The shade of trees affords all travelers peace;
The wearied ones sleep ’neath the trees in dreams!

Sonnet: The First Holy Communion

Commune with Christ through his Body and Blood,
For He’s present in Eucharistic Host!
This is the Christian soul’s Heavenly food,
Into which bread to dwell comes Holy Ghost.

Sonnet: Love Others When Alive

Pre-occupied is man in worldly gains;
Who knows when comes, sudden, cruel demise?
Most men forget the few celestial lanes,
As virtues get overtaken by vice.

Sonnet: Dear Child

Sweet girl, firstborn in an alien country!
’Tis sad your parents now cannot rear thee;
Grandparents tend to thee- aren’t you lucky?
Your mom and dad miss thee so miserably.

Sonnet: To Heaven

God clears the road for righteous souls to walk,
Removing dangers lurking all along;
He engages with them in loving talk;
And hears their cries and listens to their song.

Sonnet: Leave All Things To God!

Sometimes, some things don’t happen as we wish;
However long we brood, we can’t know why?
There is no point in being more selfish;
Such things are better left to God on high!

Sonnet: God's Words

Believe in Jesus Christ, receiving joys;
The Almighty bestows grace in excess!
No more devils can use us as their toys.
The Word of God bestows true happiness.

On Writing A Poem

I yearned to be a Poet someday;
Enthrall the literary world someway;
I knew to write a good Poem,
Was not quite easy- from my mom!

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