Dr John Celes Poems

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What’s The Use Of…?

What’s the use of immense beauty
When beauty isn’t even skin-deep?
What’s the use of one’s intellect
When from vices, you cannot keep?


Seek not the things that others seek;
Say not the words that others speak;
Do not the works that others do;
Just do the ones that well suit you.

On Aids

Why get the stigma by your carelessness?
Why hold your life and that of others’ in harness?
Why spread the virus through life-saving blood?
Why pluck a flower when ’tis just a bud?

A Dogged Life!

A little dog has come to rest
In corner of the porch awhile;
With famished looks, it whines a bit,
And looks as if unfed for days!

The Human Brain And Accidents

Each thought and act of man is born
Within the brain’s cortex neuron;
To do a thing right / wrong is one
Decided by inhibition.

Mother-Hood Is Truly Great!

A Mother is a

– Beacon of hope
– Book unfinished

A Song To The Blessed Virgin Mary

Above the ocean, stands a star –
In human form and feminine;
She carries in her hands, a babe –
The Son of God, the King divine!

India’s Kashmir

The valley is so beautiful;
No words can describe best;
The mountains are so wonderful –
A feast to eyes of guest.

Stop Abortions, Now!

A billion killed within the womb each year!
Must people kill their kith and kin and dear?
The spattered blood pleads for revenge to God;
Such cruel deaths will invoke God’s just rod!

Pope John Paul Ii (A Biography Poem Sequence)

Karol Josef Wojtyla was
Born in Poland’s town, Wadowice,
On May,18th,1920,
Grew up to be remarkably!

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