Dr John Celes Poems

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Seek not the things that others seek;
Say not the words that others speak;
Do not the works that others do;
Just do the ones that well suit you.

On Aids

Why get the stigma by your carelessness?
Why hold your life and that of others’ in harness?
Why spread the virus through life-saving blood?
Why pluck a flower when ’tis just a bud?

Mothers’ Day ‘08

North or south; east or west;
A mother’s love is always best!
Throughout its childhood, cleaned and dressed,
A mother gives baby, good rest.

Happy Mother’s Day,2008

I’m glad to have a mother good,
Who nursed me well and gave good food;
Who taught me how to read and write,
And sang a lullaby each night.

Fathers’ Day,2008

The Fathers’ Day goes well forgot;
The Mothers’ Day is soon forgot;
A mother is a need in life;
A father is a must in strife!

Dreams Of The Modern Youth

The dreams that children have these days
Are weird and rather unusual;
Their dreams could change the human race –
Tho’ virtual and so unreal!

In Life…

Go on ahead;
Fear no one;
The honest can
Ev’n reach the sun!

Teacher’s Day Poem (A Pot Pourri)

They help us strive for goals;
They give us model roles;
They are such superb souls;
That help sprout ‘student-poles’!

A Phenomenal Man

Most handsome men do wonder where my secret lies!
I’m not so dashing – framed like model men;
When I reveal to them the truth,
They think I am dishonest.

Sonnet: Our Earthly Life Is Ephemeral!

Remember man, this earthly life will fade;
All glory gained will also vanish fast;
Just think about God’s love that had us made;
Our achievements will become things of past.

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