Dr John Celes Poems

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Happy Birthday, Dear Elder Sister!

Happy birthday, sister!
May you recover soon!
God's grace decides all things;
You'll live happily long.

Family Is...

Family is...
The foundation of the human race;
Where matrimony is long lived;
Where holiness and piety prevail,

The Electric Shock

While digging in the garden, the crow-bar
hit the high-voltage under-ground cable;
Shocked and thrown some feet away,
Flexed I fell but unhurt lay,

P: peerless, phenomenal, professional personality;
pedantic practitioner of Orthopaedics;
patient parley-partaker and patron;
pain-killer and pains-taker;

Lamp-Lighting By Nurses

By lamps, you light although daylight,
You light the world of darkened lives
Of ailing patients and dying,
Giving them hope of life quite bright!

All Souls Day: The Faithful Departed

</>Today, we think of all souls dead, some dear;
Some were so near, now gone afar, we fear;
Some were our friends, both good and bad, we knew;
But they all vanished like the morning dew!

The Beast Within The Man

The beastliness of human beings lies
Concealed within the mind and heart and soul,
And gets revealed in favourable climes,
Attaining sinful, selfish perverse goals!

Do Not Steal

Do not steal another’s name;
Do not steal your neighbor’s fame;
Do not steal next person’s house;
Do not steal someone’s spouse.

Sonnet: Politics Personified

Fie politics, go wear a whiter shroud!
Your clothes are stained by blood of many men;
No nation seems to be of you quite proud;
Your tongue has lied and falsely signed your pen.

Sonnet: Money Ain’t The Answer

Money, we seek in life to fulfil needs;
Most labour hard to gain some extra wealth;
Some even go on to do evil deeds,
And in the process, spoil their body's health.

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