Dr John Celes Poems

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The Owl Can’t Miss Killing The Rat! (An Acrostic)

The owl has landed on the ground,
Honing its clawed-feet, and its beak,
Eyeing the rat that plays so near,

Sonnet: Father’s Day

Today is Father’s Day in India;
Not many know about this lovely day!
How many wifes did greet their husbands, say?
Neither did children of Himalaya!

Bible Stories: Job (Chapter I)

A man named Job, lived in Uz;
He was an upright, blameless man;
He was a God-fearing one too;
He turned away from all evil.

Sonnet: God’s Wrath

Without a doubt, God is a kind Being;
Supreme and Omnipotent, quite unknown;
Don’t take great advantage of Him, earthling;
God’s wrath on evil-doers is well known.

A Catholic House-Warming Prayer

By sweat of human forehead built,
And money earned in honest ways;
Reside good Christians within it;
God bless this family always!

Sonnet- Sibling-Love Across The Sea

What love entwines two hearts- brother, sister,
Living apart for years and both now old!
A love from India upto Myanmar,
That keeps alive and can never grow cold.

Sonnet- The Doctor Is Human Too

The man who heals has not a heart of stone;
From bricks and mortar, his body isn’t made;
Like you, he is as much flesh, blood and bone,
And suffers from much stress and is ill paid.

Sonnet: Wild Trees

Look how the trees grow in the wilderness!
The Rain and Sun tend to their growing needs;
No man can put the tree’s growth in harness;
‘Tis clothed by verdure leaves, flow’rs, fruits with seeds.

Christmas Revisited

Two thousand years ago
In Bethlehem town, Oh,
A baby boy was born
In manger-shed forlorn!

Sonnet: My Poesy

My Poesy is God-given a gift!
A soothing balm to mind and heart and soul;
No more my ship of life at sea’s adrift;
Bestowed on me has God a better role.

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