Dr John Celes Poems

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I've reached a stage when I can take no more!
The world around me oppresses a lot;
I feel my mind and body getting sore;
My heart seems anguished by their lies and plot!

Delhi's Mighty Magic Broom!

A mighty broom has swept Delhi!
It sweeps the dirt off minds and hearts;
It cleanses people's body parts,
And bank accounts within, without.

Honesty Pays Richer Dividends

The war against corruption has begun!
More than the country being cleaned,
All Indian hearts and minds must be;
The AAP's victory reveals.


Take care of your dear heart,
No matter what it takes;
'Tis beating before birth,
And pumping blood to parts;

God Triumphs Always

God thwarts the moves of evil minds,
Be they our leaders, rulers bad;
He blocks their plans to kill and loot,
Designs to make most sad.

Good-Bye, Dear Irt Pmc

I'll miss this place; you'll miss me in this place!
I'll miss you all, no matter, big or small;
I'll miss the pea-birds and the snakes as well;
I'll miss the dancing pea-cocks 'midst pea-hens!


Sin is sin, no matter what
Excuses, one may give!
Sin is the only thing that
God abhors, while we live.

To My Darling Wife On Her Birthday (6-1-2015)

You're my princess
My happiness
You're my life
My dear wife

God Feeds The Birds

Another dawn is born
The air is fresh and cool
Some birds are chirping on the ground,
Hopping, searching for food.

Sonnet: To My Beloved Boss

Christ bless you Christmas-born all through your life!
Our earthly duty we must do with care;
The problems that arise are pretty rife;
But face them unafraid, we must all dare.

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