Dr John Celes Poems

Hit Title Date Added
God Feeds The Birds

Another dawn is born
The air is fresh and cool
Some birds are chirping on the ground,
Hopping, searching for food.

Jesus’ Cross

The Holy Cross beckons
To follow Jesus Christ;
The source of strength and joy
To souls, for Lord athirst!

Prisoners Of Their Own Making!

The jails and cells that prisoners fill,
Though nations build escape-proof still,
To house the criminals much galore,
Have innocents too, by the score.

Candle (Acrostic Brevity)

Can men in darkness see clearly?
Alas, the blind have better sight in dark!
No man is comfortable without light
Destroy the darkness in your life


Life brings woes and foes,
Joys and choice,
Challenges and risks,
Ups and downs,

Must I Regret?

I thought of others’ welfare prime;
I never cared about lost time;
I could have led a selfish life,
And earned more wealth and faced my strife.

Beauty Is Half-Revealed And Half-Concealed!

God made the woman Eve, from Adam’s rib;
He saw that man needed a companion;
Amongst creatures, they made a couple fine,
And roamed the Eden garden, joyfully.

Iwd 2014 Un Theme: 'Equality For Women Is Progress For All'

Without women, the world can’t go along;
The girl is as important as the boy;
Make girls equal to boys, ensure progress;
Girl-baby is procreation’s especial joy!

Message For The New Year,2014

Ring in the New Year, spread the cheer
Life is to live with bliss, sans fear
Happy was the Old Year, may be
Let New Year be happier, truly

The Road Ahead

The road ahead seems uncertain and small
The weather rough, terrain in marshy lands
No sign-boards found to help track direction
It meanders through forest thick and vale

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