Dr John Celes Poems

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‘i’m Anna! ’ - Movement: Poem On Corruption In India

The poor become poorer each day
The rich turn richer every way
Corruption is the cause that may
Prevent a nation’s progress, Aye!

‘live And Let Live! ’

‘Live and let live’ – all just say;
But, do the opposite things everyday;
‘Live and let live ‘– is the one and only way,
By which all can live happily today.

Sonnet: On Anger

Remember Man that Anger is futile!
Restrain your temper bad when ‘fumes’ arise;
Apologize if guilty, in high style,
And write your Anger off or play it nice.

On Our Dad’s Death Anniversary

Today, our dad beloved had passed away,
Two dozen years ago from earth this day
–A gifted man who etched in gold his stay,
For us to follow life-long and to pray!


Lord Jesus Christ has risen from his grave!
The tomb on third day was an empty cave;
The Savior of mankind has done the feat;
The Evil One Satan has got defeat.

In Praise Of Dogs

Canine friend of man, today;
Faithful unto him in ways;
Guarding him, his house, all day;
Barking, keeping thieves at bay!

A Poem Of Rhymes

I must take care about the food I take;
I must avoid the smoke whenev’r I bake;
I must avoid dust rising when I rake!
I must be cautious of the wealth I make;

Sonnet: Marriage Is Forever

When once your single state of life is changed
By sacred Marriage vows and carnal ties,
You never from spouse ever be estranged;
The nuptial bond before God never dies.

Happy Friendship Day,2011

Good friendship is important in earthly life
True friendship is a rare find, lasting a life-time
Friendship is supportive, wholesome and priceless
Friendship must grow but is difficult to keep.

Sonnet: Life's Like A Train-Journey

Life's a train journey; God's the driver;
We're off to a place called Eternity;
Disembarking's left to each passenger;
From birth till death, We choose any city.

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