Dr John Celes Poems

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Sonnet: ‘world’s Celebrities? ’

O world-famous figures, Celebrities!
What use have you been to the common-man?
Your life got spent in alluring cities;
Your selfishness tilts down the weighing-pan.

Sonnet- Separation

When you are born, you separate from womb;
Separate from world to get to the tomb!
Some separations come on at each stage;
Quite natural ’tis and that’s the great message.

Sonnet- God's The Weed-Puller

Despite my sweat and toil with pen and hoe;
My rose-filled garden grows recurrent weeds;
God plans to give me roses all the more;
A small reward for my good thoughts and deeds.

Sonnet: Reciprocal Love

’Tis our turn to play Good Samaritan;
We’ll see how best we can return your love;
You’d showed us all, you are so puritan;
The respect you had got ’midst us, we’ll prove.

Sonnet: Let’s Put Our Trust In God

When shattered seems the Lamp of Life in me;
And broken lies the glass-mantle of fame;
My body's wick too half-burnt and sadly;
Heart's fuel gone, in hopelessness and shame!

Bible In Poetry: Gospel Of St. John (Chapter 11)

A man called Lazarus was ill,
Brother of Mary, Bethany;
This Mary had anointed Lord’s feet
By perfumed oil, dried by her hair!

Bible In Poetry: Gospel Of St. Matthew (Chapter 27)

By morning, elders and chief priests
Decided to put Him to death;
They led Him bound and handed Him
Over to Governor Pilate.

Bible In Poetry: Titus 2

Teach according to sound doctrine;
Teach older men to be sound in
Faith, love and immense endurance,
And be worthy of much respect,

Christian Marriage

God made you two as man and wife,
And live as one in earthly life;
The two bodies are now one flesh;
In Jesus Christ, you dwell, refresh.

Our Lady Of Immaculate Conception!

I searched for a lady
With beauty, not external,
But of the heart,
And I found no one,

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