Dr John Celes Poems

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This Is A World Of …

This is a world of hierarchy;
This is a world of inequality;
This is a world of curiosity;
This is a world of ignominy!

Stop Abortions

When you kill your own baby
In its natural home called ‘Womb’,
In a way most barbaric:
Aren’t you inviting your doom?

Sonnet: The Maker Alone Can Be The Taker

How can the God who loves to create, kill?
How can man commit murders foul on earth?
How can God forgive man’s heinous crime-bill?
The God of love chooses each life ’fore birth!

Sonnet: On Being Childless

They seem to smile and laugh just like others,
And speak with involvement like everyone;
But deep within their hearts, something bothers;
They don’t enjoy like most, the rain and sun!

Sonnet- When A Child Dies!

The saddest thing in life I know is when,
I can’t prevent the death of a young child;
My years of learning all seem awaste, then;
My heart with anger fills; my mind grows wild.

Sonnet: A Good Christian’s Introspection

Why be the fruitless fig-tree by the way,
When Christ has made me branch of His good vine?
The Lord nourishes me with grace each day;
I’m trimmed to grow with better fruits divine!

A Poem On Breast-Feeding Wbw,2013

In space or earth, north, south, east, west,
For every child, breast-milk’s the best!
No formula of milk comes near
the natural human breast-milk dear.

A Doctor’s Poem For International Nurses Day,2013

Be a nurse, take care of sick;
Life is worth more than money;
Show your love and tender care;
What is sweeter than honey?

A Lost Sheep?

One sheep had left the flock some years ago!
The shepherd did allow this one to go;
It strayed to not a far away meadow;
Nevertheless, it was a blunder, oh!

Medicine And Poetry: Is He A Man Or A Robot?

I knew a man of eighty years,
Whose many organs were removed,
Replaced by metal parts and gears –
Bio-prostheses, he looked shrewd:

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