Dr John Celes Poems

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Fear Is The Wrong Key To Success

If you can keep your fear at bay,
You can perform most things your way,
Or do them better, come what may,
Improving in all spheres, each day!

Man Can Reach The Stars!

Great things are done from humble beginnings;
Great feats achieved by labor sheer and toil;
Records are created by simple men;
The peak of success’ climbed by taking risks.

You gave us birth that made us proud
You made us proud by your great lives
You gave your lives to rear us well
You kept us well more than you could

Triolet: Peace

Let peace be ushered first within
Before the world in peace can stay
And love must replace wine and gin
Let peace be ushered first within

Sonnet: The Awesome Creator, Jehovah

What beauty lies concealed in creation!
A life-time’s not enough to know its truth;
The Lord of universe has compassion;
Man’s labor, toil can earn its fitful fruit.

Jesus – Fisher Of Souls...

Jesus – Fisher of souls, all pure!
Makes disciples do the same;
For sinners all, Jesus is cure –
Saviour of souls, from sinful shame!

Sonnet- This Is The World

When one has power, each will bow his head;
When one has clout great, all will flock like sheep;
When one has wisdom, all tussles are dead;
When one has wealth great, all praises will heap.

Sonnet- The World Today(3)

The world around look so topsy-turvy!
Nothing is permanent or ultimate;
Gone are the days of dropsy and scurvy;
Now people think they can all levitate.

Sonnet- India Today

A billion mouths has India to now feed,
And provide them with all that they may need;
To shelter, clothe them- what a great number!
And showing them the way to good slumber!

Sonnet- What’s Life Truth?

The Sun bestows its light during the day;
The Moon's mirror reflects the same at night;
In life, we learn to give others some way;
Or help others see life in God's true light.

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