Hit Title Date Added
Play With Love

None can play alone, invites opponent
Opponents are co-player, the enemy never.
Aim is same of every sport - to unfold one
Power, skill and sober all one has earned.

Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes is metabolic disorder of everlasting nature,
Insulin is the main factor, to bring the anomaly in order.
Diabetes is of two types- type 1 and type 2
Type 1 occurs in young age and type 2 in older.

Folk Song

Everybody sings song with some musicals
Tells the story of soil with the tune indigenous,
It is the folk song, sings everyone.

Life Style

By a certain law-
The sun rises and sets in-
Each day passes through day and night-
As if the day is to work for life-

Essence Of Existence

When a male remains with Ideal
with an active cohesive urge
As the proton of an atom
forms the nucleus with neutron-

Nature & God

Mathematics underlies in the law of nature,
She has a tendency to maintain an equilibrium in the ecosystem,
If anybody can successfully understand that mathematics
And follows accordingly

Best Sacrifice

Once God, in ancient time, asked Ebrahim to offer the best thing
Ebrahim decided ultimately to offer his son, the most loving one.
The next day morn, after morning prayer, asked God about his notion
Requested son to be ready for sacrifice as he is going to offer him to God.

‘yes' Versus ‘no'

‘No' is there in ‘Yes' though little
‘Yes' is there too in ‘No' similarly.
When ‘Yes' is active, ‘No' becomes submissive
When 'No' domains, ‘Yes' hides itself.

Song Of Self

I want to live, I want to grow
I want to last forever.

I serve my parents, I serve my superiors

Soil Of Creation

Rhino with her mate
Enters in deep forest
Where fresh air flows
Where flowers nodding freely

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