Dr.V.K. Kanniappan Poems

Hit Title Date Added
A Request To Society

Foetus -
A request to society
Don't abort us in hasty
I will thank you wholeheartedly!

The Pleasing Kind Words And Courtesy!

An elephant is controlled
by fastening to a heavy post, (kattuth thaRi) :

The furious cobra is quietened

Happy Family Life

When a man showers love and affection
- FONDNESS - to his wife;

And shares food with needy and relatives

O' Lotus Flower In The Pond

Are you in a hurry
to see my fiancee's face,
She is very fresh and grace;

Maintain The Genetic Dignity!

Even if a Brahmin ever forgets
the Veda Mantras what he had learnt,
he can learn again by repeated chanting;

To My Flat In Foothill Commons, Seattle!

Saying Hello is a nice gesture!
Make people happy to nurture
Friendship and well being
For every human being!

A Person Who Likes To Maintain The Prestige

A person, who likes to maintain the prestige
and honour of his ancestral family trait,
will not do any unfair deeds and activity
which may defame his family honour -

Advice To The Kings And Administrators!

The axle of the cart, loaded
with light-weighted peacock feathers
too, may break if the cart is overloaded.

Who Have Done A Great Sin?

The person who killed a living being, say animal or bird
The person who has supported and witnessed the killing
The person who bought the meat of the deceased animal and bird;

Donate To The Needy And Poor

Even though it is said that
It is a good deed to receive things free
From others who offer,
Receiving alms is bad;

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