Dustin Eichenlaub

Dustin Eichenlaub Poems

I am from Kentucky and France.
I am from mild nights of spaghetti and pies
To Summers of fishing and living.
I am from a game of chutes and ladders

Dustin Eichenlaub Biography

My name is Dustin, I am 16 years old and I enjoy writing song lyrics and poetry and thought I would share them with the world.)

The Best Poem Of Dustin Eichenlaub

I Am From

I am from Kentucky and France.
I am from mild nights of spaghetti and pies
To Summers of fishing and living.
I am from a game of chutes and ladders
To a game of Mario on Nintendo.

I am from laziness being a terrible trait.
I am from a vacation every other year
To exchanging gifts early on Christmas.
I am from Spongebob playing on the TV
To California Girls playing on the radio.

I am from Summer nights as bright as day.
Those nights were my best friend.
I am from singing songs softly
To expressing emotions endlessly.
I am from finding a friend in me.

I am from a mind of curiosity and cats.
Never hurting a fly.
I am from never becoming emotional
When loved things die.
I am from that emotional rationality.

I am from being terrible at goodbyes
To plotting a horrible demise.
I am from the Karma killing the killers.
I am from a worse state of mind
Than those who hate the blind.

I am from learning the hard way
To learning to want to stay.
I am from seeing Mom get a degree
To seeing her smile at me.
I am from never wanting to leave.

I am from a walking contradiction.
I am from being self-conscious
To beaming self-righteousness.
I am from finding happiness in myself
To finding myself in happiness.

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