eaco dj

eaco dj Poems


from the heart my love does not come
that's why sad, wreckless, insane, criminal, illegal, creep, dark, nonsense, pointless, sick, bad, twisted, rough, mad, destructive, impure, heartless, rotten, ripped, furious, cursed my love is
but it's mine
and it's yours

The Best Poem Of eaco dj


from the heart my love does not come
that's why sad, wreckless, insane, criminal, illegal, creep, dark, nonsense, pointless, sick, bad, twisted, rough, mad, destructive, impure, heartless, rotten, ripped, furious, cursed my love is
but it's mine
and it's yours
fire at will
since my love is not love
now you know it's something else
would you love me anyway?

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