Edwin sorto

Edwin sorto Poems

His love is something I just can't understand.A wicked man like me and he still promised me the land. He was put on the cross for you and me. Beaten, bruised and mocked then nailed on a tree. Dont fight this love just let it be, smile and rejoice cause he shed his blood on Calvary.

We wake up in the morning we should be ready for war, cause as soon as we wake up satans knocking at our door.Have faith that you will win this fight, dont take a Step into the darkness until you know your covered by the light. We dont have to go into this ring alone, we gotta go in this ring claiming God is on the throne. If we do this I promise victory and the loses let them be history.

The Best Poem Of Edwin sorto

Gods Love

His love is something I just can't understand.A wicked man like me and he still promised me the land. He was put on the cross for you and me. Beaten, bruised and mocked then nailed on a tree. Dont fight this love just let it be, smile and rejoice cause he shed his blood on Calvary.

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