Eleanor Farjeon

Eleanor Farjeon Poems

Cats sleep, anywhere,
Any table, any chair
Top of piano, window-ledge,
In the middle, on the edge,
Open drawer, empty shoe,
Anybody's lap will do,
Fitted in a cardboard box,
In the cupboard, with your frocks-
Anywhere! They don't care!
Cats sleep anywhere.


What worlds of wonder are our books!
As one opens them and looks,
New ideas and people rise
In our fancies and our eyes.

I quarreled with my brother,
I don't know what about,
One thing led to another
And somehow we fell out.

He's nothing much but fur
And two round eyes of blue,
He has a giant purr
And a midget mew.

The sounds in the evening
Go all through the house,
The click of the clock

There isn't time, there isn't time
To do the things I want to do,
With all the mountain-tops to climb,

Five minutes, five minutes more, please!
Let me stay five minutes more!
Can't I just finish the castle
I'm building here on the floor?

I'll tell you, shall I, something I remember?
Something that still means a great deal to me.
It was long ago.

John, John, bad King John
Shamed the throne that he sat on;
Not a scruple, not a straw,

Morning has broken,
Like the first morning,
Blackbird has spoken


Atter her, atter her,
Sleeky flatterer,
Spitfire chatterer,
Scatter her, scatter her


I am as awful as my brother War,
I am the sudden silence after clamour.
I am the face that shows the seamy scar
When blood and frenzy has lost its glamour.

Count the white horses you meet on the way,
Count the white horses, child day after day,
Keep a wish ready for wishing - if you
Wish on the ninth horse, your wish will come true.

THE frost of the moon fell over my floor
And six green singers stood at my door.

'What do ye here that music make?'
'Let us come in for Christ's sweet Sake.'


What is Poetry? Who knows?
Not a rose, but the scent of the rose;
Not the sky, but the light in the sky;

The night will never stay,
The night will still go by,
Though with a million stars

In the last letter that I had from France
You thanked me for the silver Easter egg
Which I had hidden in the box of apples

When Joy and Molly on the lawn
Danced bare of foot like spirits of dawn
Jessica watched in wonderment

In a far land upon a day,
Where never snow did fall,
Three kings went riding on the way
Bearing presents all.

The Shepherd and the King,
The Angel and the ****,
They heard Sweet Mary sing,

Eleanor Farjeon Biography

Eleanor Farjeon (13 February 1881 – 5 June 1965) was an English author of children's stories and plays, poetry, biography, history and satire. Many of her works had charming illustrations by Edward Ardizzone. Some of her correspondence has also been published. She won many literary awards and the Eleanor Farjeon Award for children's literature is presented annually in her memory by the Children's Book Circle, a society of publishers. She was the sister of the thriller writer Joseph Jefferson Farjeon.)

The Best Poem Of Eleanor Farjeon

Cats Sleep Anywhere

Cats sleep, anywhere,
Any table, any chair
Top of piano, window-ledge,
In the middle, on the edge,
Open drawer, empty shoe,
Anybody's lap will do,
Fitted in a cardboard box,
In the cupboard, with your frocks-
Anywhere! They don't care!
Cats sleep anywhere.

Eleanor Farjeon Comments

111111 14 November 2017


22 11 Reply
Natasha 23 January 2018

Farjeon sounds like a French surname, even though it's actually Jewish.

18 12 Reply
oooooo 13 November 2017


14 14 Reply
11223 29 January 2018

she made great poems

18 5 Reply
11233 26 February 2018

Love her, she is the best

12 7 Reply
Ny 06 March 2021

Why isnt geography listed as a poem?

0 0 Reply
Nataly 18 November 2020

What is the poem about little house by Eleanor Farjeon

0 0 Reply
Sharon 06 April 2020

What is the poem beginning “ there were big waves and little waves

1 0 Reply
Tik Tok queen 07 December 2019

uybgrufreehxgcetwsrexdsfhcsvtfvhdtr vc 6 hi

2 3 Reply
Tik Tok queen 07 December 2019

I made a meme about this

3 2 Reply
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