Eliza Acton Poems

Hit Title Date Added
I Love Thee

I love thee, as I love the calm
Of sweet, star-lighted hours!
I love thee, as I love the balm


I would not, in the wildness of revenge,
Give poison to mine enemy, nor strike
My dagger to his heart, but I would plant

Cards Of Fortune

MANY a graven gem, beset
With gold, is worn as an amulet
In the far-off climes of the East,-a charm
To preserve the bosom from grief and harm.

To Anna

Think of me, dearest! when the Western star
Sheds o'er the soft blue heav'n its lovely light;
For know, that I, though near thee, or afar,


Yes, thou art like the blasting breath,
Of that wild desert wind,
Which leaves, in its career of death,

A Shadow, Dark As Death

A shadow, dark as death, o'er shrouds the beams
Of my pale birth-star !-it so long hath hung
Between the light of happiness, and me,

I Know How Vain It Is To Mourn

I know how vain it is to mourn
O'er blighted hopes, and friendship fled;
How yet more vain it is, to turn
With sorrow to the slumb'ring dead.

Oh! I Am Weary Of A World

Oh! I am weary of a world, where vice,
Like the destroying canker-worm, doth wind
Into the bosom's core of those who bear,

Where Art Thou Love!

Where art thou Love! with thine eyes wild gleam,
And thy hair which floats in the sun's bright beam,
Like a golden banner of triumph, spread


They said, the words I lov'd to hear
Were whisper'd in another's ear,
With that sweet smile, and tender tone,

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