Elizabeth Burnworth

Elizabeth Burnworth Poems

is strange
all the time
at school

He means more to me
than anything in the world
He doesnt judge me
And he has shown me more kindness

Don't tell me that you love me
Don't even try to lie
Cuz everytime you hurt me
I break down and cry

What more do you want
I gave you my heart
Such a long time ago
And you tore me apart

I seem to be
Full of laughter and smiles
But really I am
Hurting inside

He told her he loved her
And it was totally true
He asked her to marry him
But she didn't know what to do

I'm a little bunny
To the tune of
Im a little teapot

Hes just a guy
Not that important
hes just a guy
Not really worth it

All the times you told me
You'd always be there
Everytime you said it
I really thought you cared

I cant believe you left me
I cant believe you're gone
Was it something that i said
Did i do something wrong

A diamond is just a piece of coal that handled stress really well

You know you really love someone when you dont hate them for breaking your heart

i believe in love
And i believe in laughter
I believe in fairy tales
And happily ever after

Foeget me not
And leave me never
Forget me not
Dont leave me ever

I like to play with barbies
I love singing really loud
I like eating pancakes
And looking up at clouds

i have no clue what the future holds
But with you is where i want to be
And im hoping that tomorrow brings
Another day with you and me

I know that lately
I haven't told you that I loved you
It's cuz I don't know how to say it
But I swear that I do

My friends are saying Forget him
But this love...it feels so right
I miss you so much
And I'm crying myself to sleep at night

Together forever
Thats what you told her
but i guess you forgot
Now your love is over

When the sound of your voice
Can always make me smile
And I can't breathe
For a little while

I won't let you hurt me anymore
It's time to move on
I'm done with your lies
So forget it...I'm gone

Elizabeth Burnworth Biography

((Basic Info)) Name: : : Elizabeth Regina Aline Burnworth Hair Color: : : Brown Eye Color: : : Blue Age: : : 17 Birthday: : : 7/12/93 ((Favorites)) Food: : : pasta...i could eat that stuff forever...oh mah gaWd Song: : : Hero by enrique iglesias or monster by skillet...depends on my mood Color: : : pink and black Number: : : twelvity-five or eleventeen Website: : : poemhunter...booyah...its amazing...I also like Myspace and Myyearbook...currently imvu Movie: : : p.s. i love you...very romantic... Magazine: : : I dont really read magazines...but once in a while i do skim through a people magazine Actor: : : Antonio Banderas...omg...how could anybody be sooo amazing..i love his cologne line Actress: : : Milla Jovovich...shes cool...and haWt Book: : : Lair of the Lion...its a romance novel ((Your)) Greatest Fear: : : rejection....it hurts Screen Name: : : idk Bedtime: : : whenever i feel like it...jk...i go to bed at 9: 00 and wake up at 5: 00 Current Location: : : spanaway...my dad kicked me out...so i used to b in lakewood Most Embarrassing Moment: : : this one time i like totally was running and i jumped to try and pick a flower from a tree branch and i slipped and fell...lol...i could not stop laughing...the worst part was that it was in front of a bunch of people Best Friend: : : Raven upshaw...she is a boss...lol Significant other: : : : '( What u look for in a guy: I want a guy i can run up to with tears runnin down my face and the first thing he says is whose ass am i kickin babe Weakness: : : romance and the puppy face First Thought When You Wake Up: : : goodness what time is it or i have to go to the bathroom Pepsi Or Coke: : : coke! ! Chocolate Or Vanilla: : : Chocolate...but not choclate cake...uggh...i will never eat that again...ever Day Or Night: : : Night ^_^ Hamburger Or Hot Dog: : : Hamburger Love Or Money: : : Love...but that kind of thing only exists in fairy tales Looks Or Personality: : : is it okay to want both...personality...lol Summer Or Winter: : : Winter...best time to play football Hugs Or Kisses: : : Both Romantic Night In Or Wild Night Out: : : Romantic Night In Coffee Or Tea: : : coffee Hot Or Cold: : : Cold Sunny Or Rainy: : : rainy...i want to be kissed in the rain Dogs Or Cats: : : Dogs...cats make me angry...except for my kitten pandora...shes my baby ((Have You Ever)) Been In Love: : : yeah....or so i thought Danced In The Rain: : : who hasnt Been Kissed: : : no...i havent found the right person Toilet Papered Someone's House: : : no Cheated On A Test: : : never...pssssshhhhh Been Beaten Up: : : fer sure...but i fought back pretty well Bullied Someone: : : honestly...yes.... If u answered yes to the previous question...do u regret it: every day Smoked: : : only when im upset Drank: : : never Had Sex: : : nopity nope nope Gone Bungee Jumping: : : i wish...but im too scared Gone Camping: : : boo-yah(yes) ...up on whidby island Stayed Up All Night: : : of course Skipped School: : : my parents would kill me then send me to school anyway...but i used to back in eighth grade Been On A Plane: : : YES! ! ! =( Cheated On Someone: : : no..i think thats wrong and if u cheat on somebody u should be shot...anyway... Been Cheated On: : : yes...worst feeling in the world when the person thats telling u they love u to ur face is with another person behind ur back Sang In The Shower: : : all the time Smiled For No Reason: : : Yes all the time...i have a smile like the cheshire cat...or so ive been told Told A Joke And Nobody Thought It Was Funny: : : all the time but who cares as long as i thought it was funny Had A Pillow Fight: : : Yes Broken A Bone: : : no...i wish...does the nose count? Wished Upon A Star: : : Yes...all the time... If you answered yes to the previous question...what did u wish for: : : I wished for love Jumped Into A Pile Of Leaves: : : Yes...so much fun...but i dont do it anymore cuz i once found a slug) -: Gone Surfing: : : no...y would i...im afraid of drowning Sat On Your Rooftop: : : afraid of heights Written A Song: : : yep gotten expelled or suspended from school: yes if you answered yes to the previous question...what for: : : fighting ((Finish The Sentence)) I Am: : : different I Wish: : : i was pretty Life Is: : : a journey My First Kiss: : : will be with the person i love Babies Are: : : funny Sometimes I Can Be: : : quiet...sometimes...like twelve minutes I Really Want To: : meet somebody that needs me I Love: : : nobody ((Turn ons)) : assertiveness possesiveness a sense of belonging ((Favorite quotes :)) By the time you swear you're his...shivering and sighing...and he vows his passion is...infinite undying...lady make a note of this...one of you is lying A diamond is just a piece of coal that handled stress really well we loved with a love that was more than love dont let yesterday take up too much of today 831 means i love u...8 letters...3 words...1 meaning In true love there can be no happy end to it love is like balloons...when u let go it flies away when darkness falls upon me in the silence of my heart and the world turns to abandon i will not fall apart for i believe in something deeper than the physics that we share and i will strive with all my power to reach the 8th and final square To be your friend was all I ever wanted; to be your lover was all I ever dreamed. You are what I never knew I always wanted Sometimes I wish I were a little kid again, skinned knees are easier to fix than broken hearts a broken heart is like a broken mirror...its better left broken than to hurt yourself trying to put it back together Don’t say you love me unless you really mean it, because I might do something crazy like believe it. If I had a single flower for every time I think about you, I could walk forever in my garden. Love is when you let your true self shine &&hes right there by your side to watch you sparkle. Girl: Do you like me? Boy: No Girl: Do you want me? Boy: No Girl: Would you cry if I left? Boy: No Girl: Would you live for me? Boy: No Girl: Would you do anything for me? Boy: No Girl: Choose–me or your life Boy: My life The girl runs away in shock and pain and the boy runs after her and says… The reason you never cross my mind is because you’re always on my mind. The reason why I don’t like you is because I love you. The reason I don’t want you is because I need you. The reason I wouldn’t cry if you left is because I would die if you left. The reason I wouldn’t live for you is because I would die for you. The reason why I’m not willing to do you anything for you is because I would do everything for you. The reason I chose my life is because you ARE my life. DONT BE AFRAID TO LOVE CUZ NOT EVERY ONE WILL HURT YOU.. Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired. Love me now, or love me never, but if u love me, love me forever Never frown, cuz u never know who is falling in love with your smile Behind every girls smile…there is a boy who put it there you dont know it, but you could have me in a heartbeat if you wanted to i dont care how many fish there are in the sea, i dont want a fish, i want you love is the most cruelest form of affection and the sweetest form of torture meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was choice, but falling in love with you was beyond my control its a confusing world out there, but it all makes sense when im in your arms tell me you want me to stay forever, cuz heaven can wait every story has an end, but in life every end is just a new beginning)

The Best Poem Of Elizabeth Burnworth

5 W's Poems For Poetry Project(Written On May 4th,2009)

is strange
all the time
at school
Because he feels like it

Shes dying inside
That girl over there
Each day that passes by
she sits there all by herself
Because she never expected him to break her heart

My best friend
is the kindest person i know
Shes always there for me
Everywhere we go
cuz shes awesome

is a wierd dog
When he wants to be
At my house
Because he's dumb

is my buddy
We hang out all the time
at mcdonalds
becaus eshe doesnt live with me

Elizabeth Burnworth Comments

Elizabeth Burnworth 13 June 2009

i am soo bomb....i have no clue y im commenting on my own poems....probly cuz i havent had a comment in a while...its nice to feel appreciated...jkjkjklolol

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Justin Walker 17 December 2008

hey baby i really like your poems so how are you today i love you bye

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