Ella Kudos

Ella Kudos Poems

Welcome to the Isle of Broken Kids
We are the forgotten youth
The ignored
We search for love in a man that pays for it to replace our parents, or in a drug that keeps us warm in cruel weathers.

The Best Poem Of Ella Kudos

Isle Of Broken Kids

Welcome to the Isle of Broken Kids
We are the forgotten youth
The ignored
We search for love in a man that pays for it to replace our parents, or in a drug that keeps us warm in cruel weathers.
No house to call our home
And no person to call mom or dad
We walk tight ropes of concrete streets balancing our pain with our drugs
I've seen kids that fell to either their pain or their drugs
We have to keep moving
Keep walking the tight rope because even though some of us will fall
On the other side is the land of fixed children
So we hold on to the hope that tomorrow will be better and lift our heads
And we walk

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