Emez Uwalaka

Emez Uwalaka Poems

I stand
With one arm tied
Tied down by shackles
Of various differences

The Best Poem Of Emez Uwalaka

In Shackles

I stand
With one arm tied
Tied down by shackles
Of various differences
And the other arm
Fully capable of losing my Bond
With the pure power and professionalism of James
But still I fear
Still stand afraid
And unsure
Of whether it is all worth it
Whether my two-arm freedom
Is worth the possible bites
The possible venoms
The possible stings
That could be the repercussion
Of my walk into this tunnel
That lies before me
A tunnel of which
I see no light at its end
Maybe because of its curvatures
Or simply because it is totally dark and endless
I look at my tied arm
Then at the free one
Then at the key before me
And finally at the ever-dark tunnel in front of me
Unsure of what next to do
What next step to take
But one thing I remain very sure of
Is that I still stand
In shackles.

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