emily haile

emily haile Poems

Why do we live in such a world
Where beauty means power?
Where your body must be thin,
hot, and fit.Where Everyone is stereotyped

The Best Poem Of emily haile

This Corrupted World

Why do we live in such a world
Where beauty means power?
Where your body must be thin,
hot, and fit.Where Everyone is stereotyped

Why are our lives filled with such selfishness?
In order to get satisfaction
we pick on vulnerable people
Not caring about who we hurt on the way

We live in this corrupt world
Where Manipulation rules our choices.
And people's decisions are solely for benefit.

Why has the world become so fake?
Where everyone is getting stabbed in the back
By their closest, truest friends
For no reason but simply because they are mad

This world we call our home
Is now corrupted and done
Tell me… What has our world become?

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