erin maher

erin maher Poems

I hate how much I love you.
I hate how much I care.
I hate how long I've lived my life.
Wishing you were there.

Love is when you've waited,
for all of what seems so long.
Even when he's holding another,
you still know that you belong.


I can still see your smile
and your pretty blue eyes
I still cry at night
because I hate goodbyes.


I wanna text you
with a 143
cause I know
you're missing me

The earth is just my home
until I say goodbye
I'll live here till the time comes
to go up in the sky

Tears are flowing,
down my cheeks.
The pain i hide,
Could last for weeks.

My best friend's like a sister
who I can trust and talk to
and when I have a problem
you always know what to do

I'm sorry for what I did.
And that I broke your heart.
I'm sorry that I hurt you.
I'm sorry we're apart.

His heart is a temple
full of tender loving care.
And the love that's inside
is very rare.

I tried so hard
to forget about you
but my hopes to get better
were easier to say, than do

I waited too long
to tell you how I feel
and with all that time waiting
I could have let my heart heal

We stayed up all night
till your eyes shut for the day
with hours of talking
we never ran out of things to say

I like you
number 62
you are my world
you get me through

A tight grasp on you
I don't want to let you go
I've already said this
you already know

As time goes by he'll never know.
The feelings inside I never show.
I see him there with her alone.
The tears I cry are never shown.


Your eyes that glow
the brightest blue
have no comparison
over you

I tried to tell you everything
I tried to let you know
I tried to let you see
that each day my feelings grow

I knew this would come
the day you would try
to break my heart
and make me cry


So lost in love
so lost in lust
with all that you did
you've lost all my trust

I know we met
just a day ago
but each day we talk
the more I know

erin maher Biography

I am a poem writer... I have a new muse now for my latest poems. Check them out, they are all Erin originals)

The Best Poem Of erin maher

Made Me Love You Too

I hate how much I love you.
I hate how much I care.
I hate how long I've lived my life.
Wishing you were there.

I hate it when you're in my reach.
But I'm too scared to say, hello.
And when I look into your eyes.
There's no place else I'd rather go.

I hate the way you smile at me.
Like there's no other way.
And when you call and say my name.
You take my breath away.

I hate the way you make me feel.
Each time you touch me lightly.
And how I love each moment.
That you hold me tightly
But most of all...

I hate the way you said you love me.
And with everything you do.
You made me feel the same way.
You made me love you too.

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