Ethan Cheng

Ethan Cheng Poems

There is more to life, we also known
But never one dare to take first step,
To break free from the shell of life that
Overwhelm with worldly delights,


In your dream you are in a meadow,
Roses in full blooms bathed the meadow in red delights,
And gentle wind swirled among long grasses,
And in your dream you plucked a rose,

The Best Poem Of Ethan Cheng

More To Life

There is more to life, we also known
But never one dare to take first step,
To break free from the shell of life that
Overwhelm with worldly delights,
There is more to life, as we know,
Lets us enjoy green of natures
Bath us in God given lights,
There is more to life
As we know

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