Ethan Mills

Ethan Mills Poems

Lets lie there together, my love
lets lie naked between the blades, of grass
naked, yet their lies no sexual premise between our heathing bodies
fill your face in my dreams, and your thoughts

The Best Poem Of Ethan Mills


Lets lie there together, my love
lets lie naked between the blades, of grass
naked, yet their lies no sexual premise between our heathing bodies
fill your face in my dreams, and your thoughts
green blades of grass touch our bodies, each feeling the tickling
i cannot touch you, your far to beautiful
love me as i do you, love of passion
kiss me gently, please...
saliver sudactive kisses, alphabtise my love for you
A is for you, B is for you, C is for you
every letter rings of your name and the feeling we share, together
forever, and the lost waters of atlantis couldn’t even hold the secrets we do
our own hearts combine together to create, one beautiful mass of pumping muscle
eyes to kill and die for, falling into your pupils feels, so right
love is ficcle, this could end
but lets leave the future alone, for now
My love, lets live for now
lets live to see each other on this star bright night and only this night
that the year we live in holds so proudly above its jewelled head
Kiss me gently and let our love we hold spew into each other, and let it stay ficcle and unseen
a love so dear is only for this night
this love i hold for you can burst my seems yet it would still beat there, between the blades we lie in
forever is now, for now is eternity
a great solitude still lingers above us, but lets ignorin it pressing interigation
hold me, my love
and dream of the childhood and simplicity we have just left behind
because the future we dare to think of...
is looming.

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