Eva Parker

Eva Parker Poems

"The 3rd day"
It's time to Rise and Shine,
So I turn to "Love Divine"
For love and guidance true,

The Best Poem Of Eva Parker

After 2 Days - 2 Nights Unconscious With Fever

"The 3rd day"
It's time to Rise and Shine,
So I turn to "Love Divine"
For love and guidance true,
Yes, God will dictate to me and you,
"This is the day, the Lord has made,
Let us rejoice and be glad in it,"
Oh what a glorious day this could be,
If brighter reflections so all could see,
His "Love Divine,"
Extended to yours and mine,
"Love ye one another,
For each is your brother
In Christ our Lord Amen!
Yes ever since the world began,
God promised Love and Peace to every man,
In the paradise He planned for all,
Who heard his Loving Call.
Oh why do we let Time so swiftly fly
For Soon Will all nun out of Time and die,
So let us today resolve more worthy He,
Ever extending love that sets us free,
To ever honor and serve our dear Lord
Ever being in love and one accord.
Yes grateful to Him and All,
who heard his loving call,
Yes "Love you one another,
For each is your brother
Thru Christ our Lord".

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