Ezra Pound Poems

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Ballad For Gloom

For God, our God is a gallant foe
That playeth behind the veil.

I have loved my God as a child at heart

A Virginal

No, no! Go from me. I have left her lately.
I will not spoil my sheath with lesser brightness,
For my surrounding air hath a new lightness;
Slight are her arms, yet they have bound me straitly

Canto 49

For the seven lakes, and by no man these verses:
Rain; empty river; a voyage,
Fire from frozen cloud, heavy rain in the twilight
Under the cabin roof was one lantern.

A Song Of The Degrees

Rest me with Chinese colours,
For I think the glass is evil.

Canto 13

Kung walked
by the dynastic temple
and into the cedar grove,
and then out by the lower river,

Tame Cat

It rests me to be among beautiful women
Why should one always lie about such matters?
I repeat:
It rests me to converse with beautiful women

Ballad Of The Goodly Fere

Ha' we lost the goodliest fere o' all
For the priests and the gallows tree?
Aye lover he was of brawny men,
O' ships and the open sea.

The Seafarer

(From the early Anglo-Saxon text)

May I for my own self song's truth reckon,
Journey's jargon, how I in harsh days

The Garden

En robe de parade. Samain

Like a skein of loose silk blown against a wall
She walks by the railing of a path in Kensington Gardens,

Dance Figure

For the Marriage in Cana of Galilee

O woman of my dreams,

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