Fábio Nhampossa

Fábio Nhampossa Poems

They keep asking
asking who she is,
who could make me feel like this
but they are only wasting

Until I met you,
There were times of darkness
A darkness so thick, that even I couldn't see myself
That's until I saw you!

Day just started
And I'm already high.
No need to be drugged
To be this tight.


When I think of you
I feel my heart accelerate,
it's like I'm melting in a high rate
there is nothing like this I can relate

Here I am, laying in my bed,
wondering how I'm not dead
if you're not here
and won't be getting any near.

Sometimes, despite the distance, I feel like stepping aside
I see great things happen to you!
That perfect smile never seems to fade...
I see you overcome challenges!


People fear everything
They fear failure
They fear death
The only certain things are what they fear

I found a gemstone
A precious soft gemstone
That rare type,
The one people only mention in stories

Under the cover of the night
A gentle thief crawls, runs
And creates light

Every night I hear whispers
Whispers coming from my soul
As its servant I strive for its goal
So, I obey this reality twister.

They say no one is perfect
But, for every rule
There's one excepetion
You're the one. That's true!

Earth and moon.
What could their story tell?
Surely, it can make you swoon!
Moon, rocky sentinel,

The Best Poem Of Fábio Nhampossa

Loving Through Time

They keep asking
asking who she is,
who could make me feel like this
but they are only wasting

Hidden I kept her
for ten years I loved her
but still couldn't tell her

She moved out
I could never see her again
I couldn't substitute her

I got her number
I wanted to tell
I needed to tell
I finally told

She was speechless
she didn't say nope
there was still hope

We still talk
I still try
I still hide

Fábio Nhampossa Comments

Fábio Nhampossa Quotes

In the darkest moments of life, you become my only source of light

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