Fadwa Gmiden

Fadwa Gmiden Poems

what do u feel when u see that yr friends start
to change and change and change but
there is nothing u can do except to watch
u want to know what happen


some people bring u down
they say words they do things into away u want to die
but in the end don't give up
u have to try and try and try before u succeed

The Best Poem Of Fadwa Gmiden


what do u feel when u see that yr friends start
to change and change and change but
there is nothing u can do except to watch
u want to know what happen
u ask them u try to be next them
but nothing happens except notice that they'r keep u away
u look hard u search u see
but after everything u did was going with wend
u cry so much until there is no tears left
u look to the sky u see dark despite the sun of there
u try and try and try to climb the air
then u try and try and try to fly to the sun shine
but something pull u down here
something stands in your way
your friends the one who changed
u can't leave them and go without knowing why
u feel that u are choking and people things that u laugh for there joking
there is no air to breath why why? ?
they can smile laugh be happy does that because they changed and went away from u
u think u try to understand u look around
oh! no they left u alone they find a new air after taken yrs
u feel lonely u feel dark u feel scared where's all the people that they were around
u gather everything u see what happen u know something
they weren't yr friends from the first place u needed friends so they pretend to be
u feel daisy u want to die u look for a door then a window then a hole
but nothing there u know after all that was u'r fault
u should stay alone from the first place
u cry and u miss it u miss yr first loneliness u were alone but happy
u were alone but u have yr own world
u smiled u laughed u felt every good sens
why u did that why to make yr world full
u make it full outside but empty inside u shouldn't that was wrong
u need to find a new start a new land a new sky
u can't u can't build a new childhood
u can't build those years again
u take yr memories u put in this place all the good one when u were alone
u start again but to finish yr old loneliness
the happy one that u find yr-self in
u gather up u strength u build again u work hard
and harder than any time it's the hardest time
u create it but now u protect it no one can enter no one allowed
u closed with key u put inside the sea u find yr happiness again when yr alone
they're back u see them they decline that they were wrong they make a fault they try to enter those friends but no this time is closed these time no one can enter
u know them now it's over no more cheating
r heart cries and smiles
cries for the one that he loves and left him and they're back again to destroy it
and he smiles because what ever they do they can't enter they can't damage
he wins u move on with sorrow and sadness but in the same time with happiness and laughs
what a strange feeling u have the opposites, u feel the opposites in the same time
that's what life can give a good experience a goos thinking a good smile after all

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