Faith Feliciano

Faith Feliciano Poems

What is it my angel,
What is it that you fear?
You keep looking over your shoulder
Like you're runnin' from the years

I sat on my porch swing
With tears in my eyes
Knowing that this would be
Our last good-bye

really, really grounded
because of my grades
it's not my fault

wipe your tears away girl
wipe your tears away
you've been thinkin' too much
'bout the things they say

there are things you don't know about
things that go unseen
things that chill our very soul
things that muffle our screams

It took me years
to get this way
what you did
doesn't bother me


I speak the words
you'd rather forget
something like midnight
that hasn't come yet


i could have been a tiger alive and free
but you where there to capture me
i could have been a snow white dove
and fly to the highest height


what is that i see in your eyes?
something maybe you've been trying to hide?
not even death could take away
the light you give me, that's just to say,


they tell me to blend into the background
to remain inconspicuous.
they tell me to keep my hair
a dull shade of brown.

what is normal?
might i ask?
is it a set idea?
can it be changed?

i do not belong here
this person isn't me
you've got me mixed up
don't you see?

You're acting like an ass
to people who care.
What happened in your past
to make you not aware

Silently falling
Too fast to see
Falling for you
Are you falling for me?

They are bound together
By the fibers of my tears
Can't you see the pain etched in it?
Don't you hear


i wish upon this lonely star
for you to be mine.
it's not a big wish,
but it's burning my heart and soul.

Love is not here,
nor is it there
It's in our hearts,
It's in the air.

The Best Poem Of Faith Feliciano

What Is It

What is it my angel,
What is it that you fear?
You keep looking over your shoulder
Like you're runnin' from the years

What makes you slow to love me?
What made you not trust my kiss?
You keep trying to forget about something,
What is it my dear?

What makes you weep so much darlin'?
What made you shed your tears?
You keep hiding from the world,
Like you are afraid it will smell your fears.

Whatever it is that plagues you,
Whatever pain that you have seen
tell it all to me,
Give your troubles to me.
I am here for you forever
Or for how ever long you need me.
So tell me what ails your heart,
and i promise to make it better.

Faith Feliciano Comments

Sagar Patil 29 April 2022

10 year ago u read it my lot of poems

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