falesha redfern

falesha redfern Poems

I stand alone
gazing down
with tears in my eyes
as I watch in horror

The Best Poem Of falesha redfern


I stand alone
gazing down
with tears in my eyes
as I watch in horror

my love circles them
keeping me behind
watching their every move
as he plans my escape

He charges at them
they smack him away
like a horse smacking away
a meaningless pest

the demons spit at my love
he’s trying to protect me
but losing at the moment
he won’t let me help

he’s afraid I’ll get hurt
Just because I’m a tiny like a fox
and he’s big and strong like a wolf
he’s hit again

My demons screech
my name
I look at them
they call to me

They make me slide forward
they already have a chain,
almost like a collar,
around my neck

they’re pulling on it
I try and grip the ground
scared glances from my love
make me veer back

I’m trying so hard
but I can’t stop
they keep pulling me closer
to the edge cliff

I scream and jerk
they just laugh
I’m to weak
Tears fall from my eyes

my love ululation
and I shutter at the acid in his voice
he tells me to get away from here
anger brews in my heart

he keeps telling me to run
I stop crying and jerk with rage
my chains brake
and I’m free

My love is on the ground
he’s gasping for breath
I step over my love
I’ll protect him

No mater what the cost is
even if it's my own life
They will not hurt him
or anyone else i know

Now my demons laugh
even harder
I smirk at them
their laughs turn to snarls

my love shrieks
and I shutter at the acid in his voice
he tells me to get away from here
anger brews in my soul

I’m not going to let them do as they wish
their not going to walk all over me
their not going to screw up my life
and wreck my life and my love

he pleads for me to leave him
I hold my spot as they close in
I pull my chin up
and look them straight in the eyes

They can't brake me after this
I'm going to protect them
the best i can
like they have for me

I’m no longer a victim
I ‘m taking over this story
and no will change that
not now not ever

my love shrieks
and I shutter at the acid in his voice
he tells me to get away from here
anger brews in my soul

The dark that over took me
blurred ever thing i saw
cause now i see colors
not just black and white

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