Faraz Ahmed 'The Mystik Poet'

Faraz Ahmed 'The Mystik Poet' Poems

I don't need the compass to find you, your heartbeat would lead my way..
I don't need the sun to find you, your smile would light my way..
I don't need the ocean to find you, my tear would wash my way..
I don't need the wind to find you, your voice would whisper my way..

Let the wind blows between us, like the river flows without fear;
Let the rains dance upon us, like the oceans sway at shore..

Let the moon shower its radiance over us, like the sun blossoms the heart of earth;

The Best Poem Of Faraz Ahmed 'The Mystik Poet'

The Way Of Love

I don't need the compass to find you, your heartbeat would lead my way..
I don't need the sun to find you, your smile would light my way..
I don't need the ocean to find you, my tear would wash my way..
I don't need the wind to find you, your voice would whisper my way..
I don't need the moon to find you, your eyes would shine my way..
But, if I never find my way I would perish..
My soul would find its way...

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