Francis Duggan Fate Poems

We Leave Them To Their Fate

No Australian or foreigner died in the Baghdad bomb blast yesterday
In the tragic news headline story were they trying to say
That the lives of Iraqi people are not as valuable as ours
In human terms are they the weeds that grow amongst the flowers?

Fate Of The Leaves

The elite sports people in the World of today
Were born to be mortals in truth one can say
Great as they are one day they must die
In this respect they are no different to you and to i

The Fate Of The Rose

A thing of great beauty that has gone to decay
On the grass it's petals are crinkled and dry where they lay
As food for ground insects by their thorny mother tree
In time all beauty does fade is how it seems to be

The Fate Of The Leaves

Our biological clock it keeps on ticking fast
And few things in life for long periods do last
At birth the dice of our destiny is cast
Though as we age we do hang on to the past.

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