faylene anderson

faylene anderson Poems

when i tell you i love you dont say it out of hedit of to make conversationg i say it to remind you that your the bust thing that evre happend to me.
i dont want anyone else to have your heart.
i dont want anyone else to kiss your lips
i dont want anyone else to be in your arms

The Best Poem Of faylene anderson

My Coming Home

I’m Coming Home
Current mood: relaxed
Category: Writing and Poetry
I can't do this any more. It hurts me. I got to die. Goodbye, and have a good life. Goodbye for now my friends and family. All of them will do great in life without me. Don't give up what you believe in. I'm sorry I can't be there with you when you make it, but just look up and you will know you did good in life, and see how far you got without me. I'm sorry, I got to die. Hello grave, I'm coming home. I'm sorry my friends and family, I just got to go. Don't stop what you are doing with your life because I'm not there. Don't think about what you are going to do and just do it. Sorry my friends and family, I just got to go for now. Hello grave, I'm coming home

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