Flor Marie Gilza

Flor Marie Gilza Poems

Cold is the air that cloaked my sanity,
In this nest for fools no need for vanity,
In these chains of agony I am latched,
The only ornament I can touch.

My dear if fifteen years may not be enough,
For you to take my love,
Then life for me would be so rough,
Even then I'll send you my kisses to a dove,

The Best Poem Of Flor Marie Gilza


Cold is the air that cloaked my sanity,
In this nest for fools no need for vanity,
In these chains of agony I am latched,
The only ornament I can touch.

I stood distressed upon these walls,
My miserable life need not recall,
From this tiny window I am put to hold,
Only to gaze while my life unfolds.

Dark was thy heart that brought me here,
Nonetheless, I am left to despair,
Long lost the hope for freedom,
The sight from my window has been my kingdom.

Was it fate that turned the tides?
From my relentless stupor I have rise,
Such beauty from this window I see,
Has pulled me back up to my knee,

Wondering if I to benefit from chance,
Will you oblige if I ask you in a dance?
What a folly for this question to arise
From a stranger in a prisoner's hide, .

I stood hopelessly on this stand,
Asking for a lady's hand,
From afar in this window I am your slave,
I shall bring this feeling to my grave,

Each day is a breath of a sigh,
As I get closer to my time,
Those rebellious days I regret,
In this window I am suppressed.

Silent are the sobs within my keep,
For a lady that'll never saw me weep,
Pain far worse than a torturer's whip,
This love in my heart that awoken from sleep.

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