fofo Abuallan Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Butterfly In The Groove

Lets stope talking about me
its became kind of history
iam like abutterfly but in the groove so she can't fly
theirs poeple are dieng

Kind Of Girl

Iam not like all of you,
iam just akind of girl, living hopless and loving hopless
Its my distney, to live with beautiful friends but not abeautiful love
Whats the wrong of me?

Our Party

My tears growing in your heart, fast and fast
to let you know how much iam in love with you
Iam get ready now,
make aparty in your heart, but the air gets cooler and my heart pounds

Your Distney

Living with your distney is something you uasually do
its a routin you are going through
Suddenly you feel strang.... is that mean...thers achange?

The Days Are Pase Away

The days are pase away, and your love forgot the moments we lived
How can i live with some one who didn't share...
Every little thing in my life was you

Tomorrow Night

I want to write but theres no words
Iwant to paint but theres no signs

Iam Fraid

Iam fraid to take you as afriend
I don't konw if my heart want to deal with it

The Profe

We run again o n the beach sand
holding the happieness in our hands
Waiting the moon to sleep... the stars to hide... to see the love side

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