Francie Lynch Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Forever And Ever

Forever isn't really long,
We call it Love in a two minute song.
I witnessed it in my cat's jaws,
Or an osprey in an eagle's claws.

Hot Dog Days Of Summer

The wind chimes are melting,
The ponds are sweltering,
The roads run like black tea;
The flags aren't waving,

Same Rules Apply

What's ours yesterday,
Is gone today;
What's here today,
Will be gone tomorrow.

Memory Glands

When she said, "Don't talk to me, "
She lost some of her voice.
Then I heard, "Don't look for me",
She gave no other choice.

The Grassy Knoll

We first sexed in a tumbling, fumbling manner;
The time had come, it seemed to us,
To consummate our virgin lust.

Excerpts From A Mother Grieving

I never knew him to do wrong.
He left me here last Saturday week;
I never saw him again.
A terrible shock.

The Baboon Savant

The baboon savant
Will rear and taunt
From high on his hair-swept hill;
He snatches bananas from the unsuspecting,

I Preface All My Stories

I believe love has an evil twin,
But I could be losing my mind.
There are petals on thistles,
And thorns on roses;

Leave Me On My Back

Over the decades,
We've worked it out.
No need for a Power of anyone.
If I go blind,

Love Is

Love is
As "is" is:
In the present tense.

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