Francis Duggan Poems

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Of Global Warming And Climate Change

Of Global warming and climate change we read of and hear
The changes in our natural environment gives us reason to fear
Of what does lay ahead for the children of today
We've brought climate change forward by centuries it does seem that way.

That's What Friendship's About

It may not be any of those you drink with in the bar
When you are in trouble you'll know who your friends are,
Your friends will not desert you in your time of need
Just like it is said such friends are friends indeed,

The Cry Of The Banshee

As the moon at midnight moves through the starry sky
Out there in the bog land the Banshee's shrill cry
The one seldom heard and that human eyes cannot see
Some say the ghost of one who died in agony.

Oppressive Regimes

Oppressive regimes of the World to violence too inclined
And they punish everybody with the courage to speak their mind
I toast all Governments who allow free speech for that's democracy
Though far from perfect it does seem their citizens are free

Chesterton's Donkey

When Chesterton penned his poem on the donkey he had more than the donkey in mind
In that great poem there are many lessons and in each line of it a lesson you'll find
His message was mainly to people for some people with their words can be cruel
And some people not unlike the donkey become subjects of ridicule.

On Reading Of The World's 100 Wealthiest People

The World's many billion people controlled by the greedy few
But to every billionaire there is there are a million who
Go to sleep weak and hungry their wasted bodies thin
For days they haven't eaten their bones showing through their skin.

On Reading Of Racism In Ireland

I always feel disappointed when of racism I read
And when I read of it in Ireland I feel very sad indeed
For racism in society should never have a place
And people should never be judged on their colour or their race.

In Sports As In Life

The town decorated in the colours of the local football club for the weekend's big game
Suppose in sports as in life it is all about winning and fame
The local footballers are playing for renown
For the fans and love of self glory and love of the Hometown

Verbal Bullies

When we look for flaws in others the flaws in them we do see
That's how it is and always was and that's how 'twill always be
For some 'tis easier to be cruel than it is to be kind
Their souls are clouded over by darkness of the mind

Life Wasn'T Meant To Be Easy

'Life wasn't meant to be easy' a quote from George Bernard Shaw
But from that familiar saying your own conclusion you draw
Those words maybe for the masses for those who drudge on and then die
But life wasn't meant to be easy to everyone does not apply.

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